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News Archive

* Team Signaling participates at the photo exhibition 'SMART plants for tomorrow's needs' on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of CEPLAS. *


* New members in Team Signaling *

We are excited to welcome Marriah (postDoc) and Haoyu (PhD student) as two new members of Team Signaling!

Welcome to our team!

A report from HHU (in German) about Marriah's Henriette-Herz-Fellowship, which enables her to stay with us, can be found here.


* Team Signaling at the 19th IWPMB Meeting 2023. *

Fatiha and Micha will represent Team Signaling at the 19th International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology in Taipei, Taiwan.


* Open project for Master's thesis at Team Signaling * 

More details here.


* New postDoc in Team Signaling * 

We are very happy to welcome Anastasija as a CEPLAS-funded postdoc to our team! Ana will be studying the effects of high intensity light on systemic signaling, among other topics. Welcome to Team Signaling!


* New publication * 

OzTracs: Optical osmolality reporters engineered from mechanosensitive ion channels. 2022, biomolecules, 12 (6): 787, DOI: 10.3390/biom12060787


* Team Signaling at the Night of Science 2022 *

Fatiha and Juan will participate in the Night of Science on 09.09. and present our Collaborative Research Center "Identity and Dynamics of Membrane Systems" and our research funded by it at booth 15. 


Team Signaling at (inter)national conferences this summer *

While Juan and Micha are presenting their work at the Plant Calcium Signaling (PCS) meeting in Milano (Italy), Tom will represent the group at the Plant Biology meeting  in Portland (USA) before Fatiha and Juan are participating at the International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences in Bonn (Germany).


* Workshop seminar* 

Michael will be giving a seminar on "Design and in planta application of genetically encoded biosensors" at the MISTRAL summer school in Montpellier (France).


*new postDoc position available to study high-light induced long-distance signaling in plants*
All applications should ONLY be submitted through CEPLAS, deadline: June 6th 2022. You can find more details here (project 2): Ausschreibung 2022 | CEPLAS