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Team Signaling  |  Michael Wudick 

  • Barbosa-Caro, J.C. & Wudick M.M. "Revisiting plant electric signaling: Challenging an old phenomenon with novel discoveries" 2024, Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 79, DOI: 10.1016/j.pbi.2024.102528
  • Ejike O.J., Sadoine M., Shen Y., Ishikawa Y., Sunal E., Hänsch S. Hamacher A., Frommer W.B., Wudick M.M., Campbell R.E., Kleist, T.J. "A monochromatically excitable green-red dual-fluorophore fusion incorporating a new large Stokes shift fluorescent protein" 2023, Biochemistry, DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.3c00451
  • Arra Y., Auguy F., Stiebner M., Chéron S., Wudick M.M., Miras M., Schepler-Luu V., Cunnac S., Frommer W.B., Albar L. "Rice Yellow Mottle Virus resistance by genome editing of the Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica nucleoporin gene OsCPR5.1 but not OsCPR5.2" 2023, Plant Biotechnology Journal, DOI: 10.1111/pbi.14266
  • Kleist T.J., Lin I W., Xu S., Maksaev G., Sadoine M., Haswell E.S., Frommer W.B., Wudick M.M. OzTracs: Optical osmolality reporterengineered from mechanosensitive ion channels. 2022, biomolecules, 12 (6): 787, DOI: 10.3390/biom12060787
  • Kleist T.J. & Wudick M.M. Shaping up: Recent advances in the study of plant calcium channels. 2022, Current Opinion in Cell Biology,76: 102080, DOI: 10.1016/j.ceb.2022.102080
  • Hernández-​Coronado M., Dias Arujo P.C., Ip P.-L., Oliveira Nunes C., Rahni R., Wudick M.M., Lizzio  M.A., Feijó J.A. & Birnbaum K.D. Plant glutamate receptors mediate a bet-​hedging strategy between regeneration and defense. 2022, Developmental Cell, 57 (4), 451-​‌465. e6, DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2022.01.013
  • Castro-​Rodríguez V., Kleist T.J., Gappel N.M., Atanjaoui F., Okumoto S., Machado M., Denyer T., Timmermans M.C.P, Frommer W.B. & Wudick M.M. "Sponging of glutamate at the outer plasma membrane surface reveals roles for glutamate in development." 2021, The Plant Journal, 109 (3): 664-​674, DOI: 10.1111/tpj.15585
  • Moe-​Lange J., Gappel N.M., Machado M., Wudick M.M., Sies C.S.A., Schott-​Verdugo S.N., Bonus M., Mishra S., Hartwig T., Bezrutczyk M., Basu D., Farmer E.E., Gohlke H., Malkovskiy A., Haswell E.S., Lercher M.J., Ehrhardt D.W., Frommer W.B. & KleistT.J. "Interdependence of a mechanosensitive anion channel and glutamate receptors in distal wound signaling." 2021, Science Advances, 7 (37), DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abg4298
  • Green M.N., Gangwar S.P., Michard E., Simon A.A., Portes M.T., Barbosa-​Caro J., Wudick M.M., Lizzio M.A., Klykov O., Yelshanskaya M.V., Feijó J.A. & Sobolevsky A.I. "Structure of the Arabidopsis thaliana glutamate receptor-​like channel GLR3.4." 2021, Molecular Cell, 81 (15): 3216-​3226, DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2021.05.025
  • Kim J.-Y., Symeonidi E., Pang T.Y., Denyer T., Weidauer D., Bezrutczyk M., Miras M., Zöllner N., Hartwig T., Wudick M.M., Lercher M, Cheng L.-Q., Timmermans M.C.P. & Frommer W.B. "Distinct identities of leaf phloem cells revealed by single cell transcriptomics." 2021, The Plant Cell, 33 (3): 511-​530, DOI: 10.1093/plcell/koaa060
  • Sadoine M., Ishikawa Y., Kleist T.J., Wudick M.M., Nakamura M., Grossmann G., Frommer W.B. & Ho C.-H. "Designs, applications, and limitations of genetically encoded fluorescent sensors to explore plant biology." 2021, Plant Physiology, 187 (2) 485-​503, DOI: 10.1093/plphys/kiab353
  • Kim J.-Y., Loo E.P.-I., Pang, T.Y., Lercher M., Frommer W.B. & Wudick M.M. "Cellular export of sugars and amino acids: Role in feeding other cells and organisms." 2021, Plant Physiology, 187 (4) 1893-​1914, DOI: 10.1093/plphys/kiab228
  • Mou W., Kao Y.-T-, Michard E., Simon A.A., Li D., Wudick M.M., Lizzio M.A., Feijó, J.A. & Chang C. "Ethylene-​independent signaling by the ethylene precursor ACC in Arabidopsis ovular pollen tube attraction." 2020, Nature Communications, 11 (1): 4082, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-​020-17819-9  Web of Science highly cited
  • Sadoine M., Castro-​Rodríguez V., Poloczek T., Javot H., Sunal E., Wudick M.M. & Frommer W.B. "Affinity purification of GO-​Matryoshka biosensors from E. coli for quantitative ratiometric fluorescence analyses." 2020, Bio-​protocol, 10 (19): e3773,DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.3773
  • Wudick M.M., Portes M.T., Michard E., Rosas-​Santiago P., Lizzio M.A., Oliveira Nunes C., Campos C., Santa Cruz Damineli D., C. Carvalho J., Lima P.T., Pantoja O. & Feijó J.A. "CORNICHON sorting and regulation of GLR channels underlie pollen tube Ca2+homeostasis." 2018, Science, 360 (6388): 533-​563, cover issue, DOI: 10.1126/science.aar6464  Web of Science highly cited
  • Wudick M.M., Michard E., Oliveira Nunes C. & Feijó J.A. "Comparing plant and animal glutamate receptors: Common traits but different fates?" 2018, Journal of Experimental Botany, 69 (17): 4151-​4163, DOI: 10.1093/jxb/ery153
  • Michard E., Simon A.A., Tavares B., Wudick M.M. & Feijó J.A. "Signaling with ions: The keystone for apical cell growth andmorphogenesis in pollen tubes." 2017, Plant Physiology, 173 (1): 91-​111, DOI: 10.1104/pp.16.01561  Web of Science highly cited
  • Wudick M.M., Li X., Valentini V., Geldner N., Chory J., Lin J., Maurel C. & Luu D.T. "Subcellular redistribution of root aquaporins induced by hydrogen peroxide." 2015, Molecular Plant, 8 (7): 1103-​1114, DOI: 10.1016/j.molp.2015.02.017
  • Wudick M.M., Luu D.T., Tournaire-​Roux C., Sakamoto W. & Maurel C. "Vegetative and sperm cell-​specific aquaporins of Arabidopsis highlight the vacuolar equipment of pollen and contribute to plant reproduction." 2014, Plant Physiology, 164 (4): 1697-​1706, DOI: 10.1104/pp.113.228700